Apr 30, 2013

Google Apps Service Restored

Google Apps was inaccessible to some customers for a couple of hours Wednesday morning but has since recovered.

The outage affected the Google Apps Admin control panel, an online tool used by Google's business customers to manage corporate Apps accounts, and other Apps services. It lasted from 5:20 a.m. Pacific Time to 7:59 a.m. Pacific Time, according to Google's App Status Dashboard.

Google is still trying to determine what happened. "We will post the root cause of the issue there when our teams have completed their investigation," the company said in email. "In the meantime, for everyone who is affected, we apologize -- we know you count on Google to work for you and we're working hard to restore normal operation for you."

Microsoft Discovers Self-Erasing Trojan

Trojan removes evidence of its existence after delivering a file infector and a password stealer.

Researchers at Microsoft have spotted a Trojan downloader that does something very savvy yet rare: It deletes its own components so researchers and forensics investigators can't analyze or identify it.

The so-called Win32/Nemim.gen!A Trojan is also unusual in that, unlike most Trojan downloaders that are put in place to deliver the real payload, this Trojan is also the payload, according to Jonathan San Jose, a member of Microsoft's Malware Protection Center.

But the researchers lucked out and found some of pieces of the malware. "Most URLs that this trojan attempts to connect to for downloading are currently unavailable, but we got lucky and were able to find some of its components to investigate further," San Jose said in a blog post.

Linux Top 3: Ringtails, Salamanders and Cats

1) Linux 3.9
The Linux 3.9 kernel was officially released late Sunday night marking the second major Linux kernel release of 2013 so far.

The new release includes the usual long list of driver updates, but this time also includes a number of really interesting performance boosts as well.

SSDs can now be leveraged to help speed up the operations of (soon to be legacy) spinning disks.

Raspberry Pi Case by SB Components Review

When the Raspberry Pi first came out, the board-only design got a lot of people desiring a case to go with it. Since then, a few companies and Kickstarters have popped up to supply cases to those that want them. With many different designs on the market, it’s hard to know what to go for, and mainly comes down to how you plan to use the case. SB Components have created a simple case that is suitable for many uses, at a price that reflects the Raspberry Pi itself.

OpenFlow Inventor Martin Casado on SDN, VMware, and Software Defined Networking Hype [VIDEO]

Software Defined Networking (SDN) hype is everywhere in the networking market today. The hype cycle began with Martin Casado's thesis work at Stanford in 2005. Casado went on to found Nicira Networks, a company acquired by VMware in 2012 for $1.26 billion.

In an exclusive interview with Enterprise Networking Planet, Casado discusses the origins of OpenFlow, the present nature of SDN, and the future of networking itself. SDN and OpenFlow: Beginnings

Ubuntu Server 13.04 Advances with OpenStack

You may have seen the official announcements of Ubuntu 13.04 this week, or our coverage of it, but the analysis of this new version of the popular Linux distribution just keeps on coming. One of the most important things of all to realize is that the Ubuntu Server 13.04 release that became available this week includes capabilities based on the "Grizzly" release of the populuar OpenStack cloud computing platform, and deepens Ubuntu's relationship with OpenStack. 

How to Install Matlab on Linux Ubuntu 10.04..

Matlab is a software that is not open source, but the software is also made ​​to the OS is open source. This time I will describe how to install Matlab on Linux Ubuntu 10.04, I get this software from torrent. We recommend the use of pirated software like this should be reduced .. :). The steps to install Matlab is as follows:

Apr 29, 2013

Linux 101: File permissions from the GUI point of view

Takeaway: For new users to Linux, there might be times when you need to change the permissions of a file. Jack Wallen shows you how this is done without having to touch the command line. With just your file browser, you can work all the file permission magic a new user needs.

Last week I had one of those real eye-opening moments where it finally dawned on me just why Windows can be so insecure. File permissions. From the Windows OS perspective, everything is executable. It doesn’t mean everything does something, but pretty much everything can be seen as an executable file. That is dangerous. Linux, on the other hand, doesn’t apply the executable bit by default. So, conversely, unless specifically given executable permission — Linux sees everything as non-executable. With that in mind, I thought I would demonstrate how to work with file permissions in Linux — but from the perspective of the GUI (since most file permission how-tos focus on command line — and my goal is to help people migrate to the Linux desktop).

Jim Zemlin at TEDx: What We've Learned from Linus Torvalds

Linux Foundation Executive Director Jim Zemlin is likely one of a handful of people in the world who has had a front row seat to the largest collaborative development effort in the history of computing, Linux. He understands that speed of innovation and quality of software development is dictated by forward thinkers who are working in collaboration.

KDevelop 4.5.0 Released

KDevelop 4.5.0 Released

We are happy to announce that KDevelop 4.5.0 is now available. For those who don't know, KDevelop is an IDE for all those developers who want to integrate the tools they need for developing, in a comfortable and simple solution. We have a focus on C++ and CMake, but you can find it useful when using other languages such as PHP and Python.
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Security Training

Penetration Testing is a term that has lost its meaning in the security community.  Offensive Security is changing that.  The market has seen a drastic turn for the worse as breaches occur even after a penetration test has been performed. It is even more important now in these times to ensure our assets are secure and your security staff is at their prime.
Understanding the attack vectors and having the advanced knowledge of the attacks is the only true way of ensuring that you will be prepared to withstand malicious attacks from hackers. While many courses offer defensive training for securing your networks, Offensive-Security bridges a serious gap.
Offsec teaches you from the ground up the latest cutting edge techniques utilized within the hacking community and builds your knowledge in a way that is clearly understandable and repeatable. Security constantly changes and evolves, understanding the offensive tactics used in a penetration test places you ahead of the majority of security professionals in the industry.
If you’re new to BackTrack,  developing your own exploits, or learning how to defeat the latest security mechanisms in operating systems, Offensive-Security has the knowledge to take you to the next level. Offensive-Security is has a wide variety of courses to choose from including both online and live information security training options. Join us for a thrilling learning experience, sign up today!

Apr 27, 2013

Bisnis And Investasi IndoBoclub

Local businesses are most BOOMING:
Evidently, only within 80 days, members have more than 40 921 people

Apr 26, 2013

The police Telling The cause death of Ustad Jeffry Al Buchori

Ustadz Jeffry Al Buchori death motorcycle accident shocked the public. Many people wonder how a single chronological accident in Pondok Indah, Friday (26/4) the dawn. Now police have revealed the cause of death of Ustad Uje.

Then Meets The South Jakarta Police, Commissioner Hindarsono, said the cause of death was a concussion when the accident occurred. "The cause of death Uje in a collision in the left face, causing severe injuries," said Mapolres Hindarsono in South Jakarta, Jl Wijaya II, Friday (26/4).

After the accident occurred helmet worn ustad gaul has not been discovered by officers. But debris visor Uje can still be found at the accident site. Conditions helmet is not known because it is still carried out a motorist who was on scene during the incident.

Why I (have to) use Linux?

Why I (have to) use Linux? The question often asked a lot of people when they see the contents of your desktop or notebook linux flavor MacOSX me. From at least the past 3 years I've been in full using one of the Linux distributions in the workplace or on my acer aspire one at home.

Either to complete the work with Open Office, learn blogging with Journal drivel and just have fun like chat with Pidgin,, maen 3D games, going around pilem with VLC, watch tv online, or listen to music with Rythmbox pirated. In short, any windows application in which I need a replacement in existing applications linux.
I often reply that they convey to the above question is:

Bugtraq 2 Black Widow Finally Release

At 26 April 2013 
THE Bugtraq-Team finally  released BUGTRAQ 2 Code Name "Black Widow"

Apr 25, 2013

Explanation Version Differences, Advantages and Features in Windows 8

This time I will discuss about the explanation of some of the different versions of Windows 8 and its advantages and its features so that everyone who are new or unfamiliar with the operating system can determine the right choice about which product should I buy or install. Before going any further, I will explain beforehand exactly how many versions of Windows 8 this anyway? Want to know more?

Setting Configure Windows Defender in Windows 8

Setting Configure Windows Defender in Windows 8, How to configure and automate Windows Defender in Windows 8
Windows Defender is a default real-time (always) protection program in Windows 8. Not like the one in Windows XP, Vista and 7, Windows 8 version does not protect from viruses and other types of malware, not just spyware. This is similar to the free Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows XP, Vista and 7, but lacks some features, like the ability to select the CPU resources are used to limit the time or scheduled scan in the GUI (Graphical User Interface), right-click menu in Windows (file) Explorer, Taskbar Notification area (system tray) icon, etc.

Apr 24, 2013

Crack /etc/shadow With jhon the ripper

By zee eichel

in linux file / etc / shadow and files in / etc / passwd stores user names and passwords, this file must be in earnest protectionism because it is very dangerous. Attacker techniques using bruteforce the password can not be underestimated. But unfortunately jhon the ripper is consuming process ..

counter attacks sqli with metasploit (BackTrack)

Hello all ... This time I want to share, how to ward off an attack on a web sqli,, using metasploit,,,,
Most of the attacker was using windows,,,,
well this is an opportunity for us to counterattack ...

Apr 20, 2013

Linux Gaming

Linux Gaming

Hi guys, back again in Daiku Portal and today we will talk about the game. What!?? this joke? Shuttlecock game on Linux? Hehehehe .. True. This time we will discuss gaming on Linux. If the day when I was content with regular meetings LUG game, this time I want to share a little about gaming on Linux.
Actually, all the tutorials I've ever post in the forum thread famous one in Indonesia and quite complete but I will write again here. So, in linux there are 2 kinds of games in the Game Native Linux and Games that run on WINE. Both if walking on 2D graphics still do not matter, but if already running over 3D graphics, we need a driver in ubuntu Additional whose name propetiary driver. Propetiary driver used only for NVIDIA and ATI. Intel does not need propetiary driver for the Intel Graphics driver is Open Source. So now, how do I install drivers propetiary? To install propetiary driver, please open Additional drivers on ubuntu, then install the drivers propetiary. Like the example below is propetiary drivers for ATI.

Instaling Microsoft Office 2010 in Ubuntu

Instaling Microsoft Office 2010 in Ubuntu

Never use microsoft office? never use libre office? or has ever used both?

For those who like really upset ya definitely microsoft office, microsoft office want to wear but what I also want to use ubuntu, bener ga?
upset? not yet, with this tutorial we will guide how to install microsoft office 2010 on ubuntu using wine. Whereby we know that wine is an application that aims to make that type of unix operating system can run Windows applications. To follow this tutorial, to prepare the master microsoft office 2010 could be image / iso or DVD and wine with the latest series.

Mengatasi “Acces Forbidden” XAMPP di Linux

Mengatasi “Acces Forbidden” XAMPP 1.8.1 di Linux

Oke, beberapa waktu yang lalu XAMPP for linux telah merilis versi terbarunya yaitu 1.8.0. Setelah diinstall, ternyata “localhost/phpmyadmin” tidak bisa diakses karena beberapa alasan keamanan. Setelah mengetahui ternyata ada ERROR 403 dan Acces Forbidden , saya googling di linux ku dan ternyata dapat “problem solving”-nya.
Ketika XAMPP di nyalakan kemudian masuk ke localhost/phpmyadmin terdapat pesan seperti di bawah ini :

Access forbidden!