Jul 11, 2013

Marhaban ya Ramdan

Marhaban ya Ramadan, welcome holy month of Ramadan. Said it is now called by many Muslims around the world. In mosques, prayer room, television, newspapers, radio up to the mailing list and personal cellular phone, a welcome phrase appears with a varied range of expression.

Marhaban ya Ramadan should not just welcome greeting that came out of the mouth alone. Because this blessed month should be greeted joy and happiness expressed in liver, but the liver is expressed happiness with the actions and behavior changes.
Fasting in this holy month is required for the faithful around the world not just worship. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is very different from other worship. Therefore, fasting is worship 'secret'. That is, the person is fasting or not fasting person itself and God only knows.

Many of the values ​​that we learned when running fast. Not a bit of literature and reference study of the meaning of fasting is said that the diverse values ​​that we learned from fasting in Ramadan such as social values, health, spiritual to personality.

Social values, peace, humanity, the spirit of mutual cooperation, solidarity, togetherness, friendship and spirit prularisme. There are also physical benefits such as health recovery (mainly digestive and metabolic), intellectual improvement, romance and family harmony, affection, lust and management improvements value other personalities.

There is another aspect of spirituality: spiritual fasting for increased intelligence, devotion and purification of conscience in a dialogue with al-Khaliq. Everything was positive values ​​contained in the fasting that should not only be understood as a discourse that meet our intellect, but also for the implementation and comprehensive in every aspect of our lives.

Are also important in welcoming the month of Ramadan of course is how do we design a strategic step in to fill in order to produce positive values ​​and wisdom it contains. So, instead of just merely thinking menus for iftar and sahur alone. However, we really need to develop spiritual and worship our menu.

If contemplated, open the menu and the meal even more istemawa often (read: fancy) compared with our daily diet. Obviously, we have to arrange the menu of worship in this holy month with better quality and day-to-day than usual. That way we can truly celebrate the glories of this month with a victory over qualified.

Ramadan is a month of encouragement. Months that recharges the battery life of every Muslim. Ramadan as 'Shahrul Worship' should we interpret the religious practice of the perfect spirit. Ramadan as 'Shahrul Fath' (the victory month) should we interpret the win of good over all evil.

Ramadan as "Shahrul Huda" (the guidance month) should be implemented with vigor invited to the right path, to the teachings of the Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

Ramadan as "Shahrus-Salam" should we interpret to promote peace and shade. Ramadan as' Shahrul-Jihad "(the battle month) we have realized the struggle against tyranny and injustice on earth. Ramadan as" Shahrul Maghfirah "should we decorate with and memberiakan ask forgiveness. Ramadan is also a month of patience, then we must train to be patient in life. purpose of the patient stated in al-Quran is 'persistent and tenacious' as referred to in (Surah Ali Imran / 3: 146).

Hopefully, we are well prepared and plan activities and worship with sincerity, and intends to "liwajhillah limardlatillah wa", because God and seeking the pleasure of Allah, we get both the happiness, the "sa'adatud-daarain" happiness of the world and hereafter. Hopefully we can fill in Ramadan is not only the quantity of day, but more than that we also pay attention to the quality of our fasting.


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